
2022-6-30 04:56| 发布者: 刘传功| 查看: 2253| 评论: 1

- 阅书斋 · Vol. 017 -


- 推荐理由 -





1. 要学好一门课,学生必须掌握这门课程的核心思想;
2. 我们作为教师,要设计课堂活动并布置作业,要求学生积极思考这门课程中的概念和原则。
When students think within the content of our courses, they take ownership of the most basic principles and concepts within the subjects we teach. The instructional ideas in this guide are premised in this understanding. Most of our suggestions represent possible teaching strategies. They are based on a vision of instruction implied by critical thinking and an analysis of the weaknesses typically found in most traditional didactic lecture/quiz/test formats of instruction. We begin with two premises:
· that to learn a subject well, students must master the thinking that defines that subject, and
· that we, in turn, as their instructors, must design activities and assignments that require students to think actively within the concepts and principles of the subject.
Students should master fundamental concepts and principles before they attempt to learn more advanced concepts. If class time is focused on helping students perform well on these foundational activities, we feel confident that the goals of most instruction will be achieved.
It is up to you, the instructor, to decide which of these ideas you will test in the classroom. Only you can decide how to teach your students. Our goal is not to dictate to you, but to provide you with possible strategies with which to experiment. The specific suggestions we recommend represent methods and strategies we have developed and tested with our students. Judge for yourself their plausibility. Test them for their practicality. Those that work (i.e., improve instruction), keep; those that do not work, abandon or re-design.
The suggestions overlap each other and make most sense when taken together, as an interrelated network. Often one suggestion is made intelligible in the light of two or three others. So if one is not clear to you, read on. The strength of each of them, in re-enforcing each other, will then become increasingly clear.


Recommended Design Features

1. 内化这门课的核心概念;
2. 应用所学概念解决生活中或课程作业中的问题。


Idea 1
Design instruction so that students engage in routine practice in internalizing and applying the concepts they are learning (and in evaluating their understanding of each.)
For students to learn any new concept well they must first internalize the concept, then apply the concept to a problem or issue so that they come to see the value of understanding the concept. At the same time, they need to evaluate how well they are internalizing and applying the concepts they are learning.
If students are to acquire understandings and skills, we need to provide many opportunities for them to
1. internalize the key concepts in the subject, and to
2. apply those concepts to problems and issues (in their lives or in their course-work).
It is only when students apply what they are learning to actual situations or problems that they come to see the value in what they are learning. And only when they see the value in learning the content will they be internally motivated to do so.
At the same time students are internalizing concepts and applying them in a meaningful way, they need practice in evaluating their work. Self-assessment is an integral part of educated thinking; it would be unintelligible to say of a person that he is thinking in an educated manner, but is not skilled in evaluating his thinking. In the same way, it would be unintelligible to say of a student that he is learning a subject well but does not know how to evaluate his learning.
High quality thinking comes

with routine practice in

internalizing and applying

theoretical structures


Daily Emphasis

Idea 2
Encourage students to think —— quite explicitly —— about their thinking.
Give them specific suggestions for how to go about it. For example, most students left to themselves do not think very effectively as learners. Many have poor reading and listening habits. Most rarely ask questions. Most could not explain the thinking they are using in the learning process. Much of their thinking turns out to be short-term memorization (rote learning). We suggest that you discuss with students the kind of thinking they need to do to master the content you are teaching.
You should point out to students the danger of relying on rote memorization and periodic cramming as a way to try to pass the course. You should tell the students on the first class day that thinking through the content is the key agenda in the course and that this task will be the business of the class.

1. 用自己的话总结老师或同学说过的内容。
2. 详细阐述已讲内容。
3. 将已讲问题或内容与自己的知识和经验相联系。
4. 举例说明或佐证老师和同学说过的内容。
5. 建立相关概念之间的联系。
6. 用自己的话重新表述指令或任务。
7. 陈述需要解决的问题。
8. 描述自己对某个问题的看法与老师、其他同学或(教材)作者的有多么的不同或相似。
9. 花几分钟时间将上述问题的答案写下来。
10. 写下自己认为当前最紧迫的问题。老师随后使用上述技巧帮助学生对这些问题进行推理。
11. 与学习伙伴讨论上述任何一个问题,然后参与由老师组织的小组讨论。
Idea 3
Use tactics that encourage active learning.
Use the following tactics during class to ensure that students are actively engaged in thinking about the content. They should be routinely called upon to:
1. Summarize in their own words what the teacher or a student has said.
2. Elaborate on what has been said.
3. Relate the issue or content to their own knowledge and experience.
4. Give examples to clarify or support what they have said.
5. Make connections between related concepts.
6. Restate the instructions or assignment in their own words.
7. State the question at issue.
8. Describe to what extent their point of view on the issue is different from or similar to the point of view of the instructor, other students, the author, etc.
9. Take a few minutes to put the above responses into written form.
10. Write down the most pressing question on their mind at this point. The instructor then uses the above tactics to help students reason through the questions.
11. Discuss any of the above with a partner and then participate in a group discussion facilitated by the instructor.

1. 重点关注目的:本章的目的是什么?这一系统的主要功能是什么?
2. 重点关注问题:在思考这一问题时,你的脑海中会有什么样的疑问?本章的关键问题是什么? 本章中这一小节的关键问题又是什么?
3. 重点关注信息:作者使用了什么信息才得出这些结论?我们如何核实这些信息的准确性?
4. 重点关注推论:根据本章所提供的信息,我们可以得出哪些合乎逻辑的结论?作者得出的结论是什么?基于现有证据,这些结论是否合理?能否给出比专家们的结论更合理的阐释?
5. 重点关注假设:这些作者在对这一问题进行推理时作出了哪些想当然的假设?对于这些假设我们应该认可还是质疑?
6. 重点关注概念:本章(或整本教材)中的关键概念是什么?你如何阐述自己对这些讨论过的概念的理解?
7. 重点关注影响:假如作者将批判性思维概念化的方式是正确的,学习批判性思考会给你的生活带来哪些影响?如果没有学习呢?
8. 重点关注视角:本章中作者关注的重点是什么?作者如何看待它?
Idea 4
Routinely ask questions that probe student understanding of the content.
Questions such as:
1. Focusing on purpose: What is the purpose of this chapter? What is the principal function of this system?
2. Focusing on question: What questions are emerging for you as we think our way through this issue? What is the key question in this chapter? What is the key question in this section of the chapter?
3. Focusing on information: What information did the authors use in coming to these conclusions? How can we check to see if this information is accurate?
4. Focusing on inference: What can we logically conclude based on the information presented in this chapter? What conclusions did the authors come to? Were these conclusions justified given the evidence? Is there a more reasonable interpretation of the evidence than the conclusions these “experts” have come to?
5. Focusing on assumptions: What do these authors take for granted in reasoning through this issue? Should we accept these assumptions or question them?
6. Focusing on concepts: What are the key concepts presented in the chapter (or in the textbook as a whole)? How would you elaborate your understanding of the concepts we have been discussing?
7. Focusing on implications: If the authors are correct in the way they conceptualize critical thinking, what are some implications for your life if you learn to think critically? And if you don't?
8. Focusing on point-of-view: What are the authors focused upon in this chapter, and how are they seeing it?
Calling on students needs not be intimidating. It can be done in a “non-threatening” fashion. Students then come to accept it as part of the process of learning. We have found no better strategy for teaching critical listening. When we introduce students to this method, we remind them that we are concerned with the development of their thinking, and that we are not using this approach to intimidate them or make them appear ignorant in front of their friends. We then explain the purpose of the process — which is of course to help them improve their critical listening abilities, to be more effective listeners.

· 我不清楚你的立场。你能换句话表达吗?(清晰性
· 你能表达得更准确一些吗?(准确性
· 如何确保你使用的信息是精确的?(精确性
· 你所说的和这一问题有何关联?(相关性
· 能否阐述你是如何考虑这一问题中的复杂情况的?(深刻性
· 你可以阐述一下针对这个问题的其他合理的看法吗?(宽广性
· 和你之前的阐释相比,有没有逻辑更严密的阐释?(逻辑性
· 在处理这一问题时,你是否将注意力放在最重要的事项上?(重要性
Idea 5
Bring intellectual standards into daily use.
Intellectual standards are essential to the assessment of thinking. Most students cannot name a single standard they use to assess thinking. It is therefore important to bring intellectual standards into daily classroom activities. One way to move in this direction is to routinely ask students questions that require them to apply intellectual standards to their thinking:
· I'm not clear about your position. Could you state it in other words? (clarity)
· Could you be more precise? (precision)
· How can we check to see if the information you are using is accurate? (accuracy)
· How is what you are saying relevant to the question on the floor? (relevance)
· Can you articulate how you have considered the complexities in the issue? (depth)
· Can you articulate other reasonable ways of looking at the issue? (breadth)
· Is there a more logical interpretation than the one you have articulated? (logic)
· Have you focused on the most significant issue in dealing with this problem? (significance)


- End -

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