梦涵教练 发表于 2022-5-20 11:32:48


2016年5月二级笔译实务汉译英 Passage 1考了一个极为难译的词“统筹”:“统筹解决好人口数量、素质、 结构和分布问题。”遗憾的是,大多汉英词典为“统筹”提供的英语对等词,有限且不实用。例如:


摘自《汉英大词典》吴光华 主编,上海译文出版社。
1、统筹国内国际两个大局 / a holistic approach to both the domestic and international situations;
2、统筹城乡义务教育资源均衡配置 / to make a balanced allocation of compulsory education resources between urban and rural areas;
3、统筹国家安全工作 / to coordinate our national security work;
4、统筹推进各领域改革 / to promote coordinated reforms in various fields;
5、统筹考虑 / to adopt a holistic approach;
improve the balanced development of the minimum living allowance system in both urban and rural areas
7、统筹解决好人口数量、素质、 结构和分布问题。(2016年5月二级笔译实务)
take a holistic approach to dealing with the quantity, quality, structure and distribution of the population.
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